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Hello!  My heart has always been to minister to others with the gift God gave me of singing.  I was recently requested to put my music on the internet again by my brother, Rick, before he passed on June 19, 2021 after a 12 year war against cancer, and also by request from friends and family, so I've put some of the new songs I've written and recorded, and several old songs I recorded in past years on this website, with a prayer that the songs minister to and bring you comfort or joy in some way during these trying times. Thank you for stopping by & listening, & if you like what you hear, please share my website with someone else you think might enjoy the music! Happy listening!



Note:  The songs listed here are free on this website for listening purposes, however, all songs are copyrighted and may not be downloaded, copied, or reproduced without permission from the artist, Rhonda Mallard. You may contact Rhonda @ 

One Breath Away Cover Art

To purchase legal mp3 downloads of the songs on the newly released "One Breath Away" CD for your library, go to Amazon Music, or iTunes.  There is also a video for "One Breath Away" featured on YouTube

Some of the online favorites so far!

One Breath Away
You Say-Rhonda Mallard
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